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Be a Spectacle For God

Posted by Wes Schaeffer | September 3, 2022

From today’s reading...

For it seems to me that God has put us apostles on show right at the end, like men condemned to death: we have been exhibited as a spectacle to the whole universe, both angelic and human.” 1 Corinthians 4:9

Paul doesn’t hold back today.

He calls his peers and himself “fools…weak…disgraced” (v10).

He describes how they go hungry, are attacked, and are homeless (v11). In short, they have a rough life by typical, modern, cosmopolitan standards.

But those standards are the measuring sticks of fickle, vain, sinful men.

Men who want to live in comfort, regardless of the pain and inconvenience it may cause others.

Those men have received their reward.

You have been created for a greater, eternal reward, so be a fool and a spectacle for God, which is the only way to...

Stay the course.
Keep the faith.

Now go sell something.

Topics: Jesus, Faith, From Today's Reading, 1 Corinthians

Written by Wes Schaeffer

Wes is a husband of 27 years, father of 7, Air Force veteran, brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, author of two books, gold partner with HubSpot, Keap, and Ontraport, master of straight talk, efficiency, and sales. If you want to upgrade, ramp up, and create more clients the right way, reach out to Wes today.


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