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All Make Their Home In You

Posted by Wes Schaeffer | September 28, 2021

From today’s reading...

But of Zion it will be said, 'Every one was born there,' her guarantee is the Most High. Yahweh in his register of peoples will note against each, 'Born there', princes no less than native-born; all make their home in you.”
Psalm 87:5-7

Once again, in our daily readings, we see Zechariah 8 tied in nicely with the Psalms, this time Psalm 87, and the message is the same: God’s tent is huge.

There is room for all who...

Stay the course.
Keep the faith.

Now go sell something.

Topics: Jesus, Faith, From Today's Reading, Psalm

Written by Wes Schaeffer

Wes is a husband of 27 years, father of 7, Air Force veteran, brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, author of two books, gold partner with HubSpot, Keap, and Ontraport, master of straight talk, efficiency, and sales. If you want to upgrade, ramp up, and create more clients the right way, reach out to Wes today.


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