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Eat. Drink. Proclaim.

Posted by Wes Schaeffer | September 12, 2022

From today’s reading...

Whenever you eat this bread, then, and drink this cup, you are proclaiming the Lord’s death until he comes.” 1 Corinthians 11:26

Paul pulls no punches today in making it clear how the Lord’s Supper, i.e., the Eucharist, i.e., Communion, is to be celebrated.

Why would Paul, formerly Saul, bother correcting his brethren over how they celebrate sipping some grape juice in plastic cups and grabbing some bread from Whole Foods?

He wouldn’t.

But in just the same way I’ll slap your bowl off the table if I see you putting sugar and milk in your grits—everyone who’s anyone knows you only put butter, salt, and pepper in your grits—Paul is doing the same thing and more in correcting his young believers in how they are to celebrate, i.e., re-present the sacrifice of our Lord.

If you’re not clear on what Paul is saying because you do not understand what the Eucharist means, keep digging, reading, researching, and praying. It’s not a sippy cup to be thrown in the trash during your monthly make-believe.

It’s our Daily Bread.

It’s the Word made Flesh.

It is Jesus who gave Himself for you in this way to help you...

Stay the course.
Keep the faith.

Now go sell something.

Topics: Jesus, Faith, From Today's Reading, 1 Corinthians

Written by Wes Schaeffer

Wes is a husband of 27 years, father of 7, Air Force veteran, brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, author of two books, gold partner with HubSpot, Keap, and Ontraport, master of straight talk, efficiency, and sales. If you want to upgrade, ramp up, and create more clients the right way, reach out to Wes today.


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