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Israel, The First-Born

Posted by Wes Schaeffer | May 26, 2021

From today’s reading...

Take pity, Lord, on the people called by your name, on Israel whom you have made your first-born.” Sirach 36:11

180 years before Christ was born, Ben Sira reminded us of the special place Israel had in God’s heart.

Five verses before that, he was begging God, “Rouse your fury, pour out your rage, destroy the opponent, annihilate the enemy.” But I digress…or do I?
There is right and wrong.

There is Truth, and there are countless lies.

Truth requires a solid foundation, an immovable beacon, a North Star; otherwise, everything is relative, progressive, and fleeting.
Those who willingly attack the Truth must be defeated.

The Truth is under attack now.

Do you recognize this fact?

Are you defending the Truth?

Are you willing to lay down your life for the Truth, as is required of the first-born, which you became at Easter?

Prepare every day for battle, which is the only way to...

Stay the course.
Keep the faith.

Now go sell something.

Topics: Jesus, Faith, From Today's Reading, Sirach

Written by Wes Schaeffer

Wes is a husband of 27 years, father of 7, Air Force veteran, brown belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, author of two books, gold partner with HubSpot, Keap, and Ontraport, master of straight talk, efficiency, and sales. If you want to upgrade, ramp up, and create more clients the right way, reach out to Wes today.


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